Responsible citizenship is to work for the betterment of society through your actions or intentions. It requires awareness of the society around you and the role you play in it. The coronavirus pandemic has brought the world to a standstill, forcing entire cities to shut down and harsh measures to be taken to control it. During this difficult time, it is even more important to exhibit responsible citizenship. Here is how you can do your part:
Follow Social Distancing Rules
Responsible citizenship during this time means that you must abide by the social distancing rules recommended by the authorities. To reduce the risk of the virus spreading extensively, you must practice social distancing. Avoid any direct contact with the people around you. Refrain from shaking hands or hugging people. Step out of the house only when it’s urgent. Make sure to keep a distance of 2 meters in a supermarket or any queue. If you notice anyone standing too close to each other, politely ask them to maintain distance.
Practice Empathy
This pandemic has disrupted the lives of many people and affected their emotional wellbeing. It has threatened the livelihood of countless people. In order to fulfill your responsibility as a sensible citizen, try to be more considerate of other people’s emotions. Practice empathy towards less fortunate than you. You could send a sweet message to your friends, engage yourself in charity work and offer to help in any way possible within the bounds of social distancing rules.
Raise Awareness
There are chances that some percent of your community is lagging behind on basic information about Coronavirus. Spreading awareness is part of responsible citizenship. Use social media platforms to create awareness about how the virus spreads and its safety precautions. In remote areas, use banners and posters as well as newspapers to spread information about this contagious virus. Negate all the false claims and rumors regarding the virus and stop the misinformation from spreading. Make sure to research before you pass on any information.
Help Others
It is your responsibility as a citizen of this society that you try and help the ones in need. Collect donations and engage yourself in charity work. If you find anyone who needs help, connect them to a relevant NGO, or provide them with basic necessities. Give extra tips to food delivery riders. Help your household workers in any way possible e.g. buy them physical goods or give them extra money. Join any community service virtually and help them bring in donations.
Our actions during this time will collectively determine if we can come out of this crisis as responsible citizens and better human beings. Let us do the best for our future!
You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives.