We often hear students in our surrounding frustrated and saying, ‘why should I do this?’, “what’s the importance of getting involved in such activities when I am already acing in my academics?”
And then there are parents observed expressing their dissatisfaction by saying, “Are these activities worth my child’s time?”
“What’s the benefit of taking part in them when my child is exceptionally good in his studies?”
Co-curricular activities may not be part of academics but are quite imperative in complementing them. There are few examples of co-curricular activities for school or college students.
- Music: One can learn to play a new instrument. Different online courses are available (if you want to master your skills at playing piano, free lessons are available at https://www.skillshare.com/ to polish your skills).
- Art Classes: Getting enrolled in some art classes, working on crafty projects.
- Dramatics society: Students these days both at university and college level are getting themselves enrolled in dramatics club or society
- Sports: Increases physical activity.
- Participating in debates, writing poetry, contributing in the college magazine or editorial team too can be a great option
The above examples are quite a few from a long list of importance of co-curricular activities for students.
Since the world is moving at a faster speed, new methods of learning and education have to be adopted to keep up the pace. One must not ignore the importance of co-curricular activities in education and learning in this modern era.
Improve Cognitive Function
Co-curricular activities help in improving cognitive functions of the body. By cognitive functioning, it means the ability of our brain to process information. These are the functions responsible for reasoning, learning, thinking and remembering. By playing a new instrument, communicating or getting active physically through sports, cognitive skills are polished.
Builds up self-confidence
Participating in various activities both inter and intra school, the students develop self-confidence. Students may get a chance to express themselves and creating a sense of independence.
Improve physical and mental health
Co-curricular activities aid in enhancing both physical and mental health of students. Participation in sports helps them to stay healthy physically while taking part in debates, art competitions and learning new skills help them improve their mental health.
Develops a sense of responsibility
The students thrive on a sense of responsibility; when different tasks other than the academic ones are being assigned to them. Arranging an event, leading their team in a competition etc. are few examples
More opportunities:
Students who participate and spend their time in co-curricular activities have preference over the ones who remain inclined to academics only. Top universities these days while selecting students give higher weightage to students who have a record of participation in co-curricular activities during their academics.
Therefore, it is worth understanding that parents must encourage their children to participate in co-curricular activities as much as possible, of course not at the cost of their academics but by creating a balance between both areas.
You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives.