How To Deal With Exam Stress

Exam Stress

Exams can be stressful for everyone. From cramming everything to managing time, students struggle to manage their mental health during exam times. That is why managing exam stress is important. Here is how students can deal with exam stress:

Plan For The Exam Properly

This is the important thing to reduce exam stress. If you have planned for the exam properly, you will not stress over how to manage the time or the syllabus. Learn how to manage your time. Make a study plan that you can stick to and study beforehand. Good preparation will make you feel confident and help you relax. Revise for the exam using tools such as mind maps and concept maps. They will help you organise information visually to retain it better.

Take Breaks While Studying

You should take frequent breaks while studying to let your brain rest. This will help you absorb information better when you get back to studying. A 15 min break should be enough. You can listen to some music during this time or watch a short video.

Take Care Of Your Body

Taking care of your body is essential to reducing exam stress. You can exercise to release some of the stress. It is also important to get proper sleep and keep yourself hydrated. If your body is healthy, your mind will be healthy and you will be able to study for your exam properly.

Avoid Cramming

Cramming is one of the primary causes of exam stress. Students try to study as much as possible in a short amount of time and that puts pressure on their mind. The concepts that students try to cram are also easily forgotten. Try to cram everything into your mind, especially a day before the exam.

Set Realistic Goals

It is important to know what to expect and set goals accordingly. Setting goals that are just not achievable will cause stress and lead to low self-esteem. Only set goals that you know you can achieve.

Appreciate Your Progress

When you achieve a goal you had set for yourself, appreciate your progress. This boosts your self-esteem and gives you the confidence to keep achieving more goals. It will also help reduce exam stress by showing you your abilities and what you have been able to achieve so far.

You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives.

Clay P. Bedford

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